Friday, July 26, 2013

Why rise Of Narendra Modi will clean the paid media and mafias

Media, Whose purpose is to provide an unbiased news to the viewers and stand as a torch bearer for the democracy but today if you look at the indian media you will notice that one man who often portrayed as a villan, modern day Hitler and a victim of conspiracies.He  is Narendra Modi.

Now Modi comes from a lower middle class family whose father is a small tea vendor and has grown up as a ordinary indian guy who was deprived of the convent education. A man with unquestionable integrity who groomed by philosophical organization RSS with nationalistic mindset,Modi survived a  biggest vilification ever since the independence of india by the media.
Most of the time india had only one government owned channel Doordarshan, until it ushered the economic reforms in 1991  however after 1995 india saw a rapid upsurge with armies of media houses competing for the TRP ratings. In this process we have seen a mafias.missionaries,ISI who got injected their stakes in  the indian  media channels.Besides these media also gets the bulk of their shares from the indian government ruled by congress. so the end result is a selective amnesia while reporting on politicians..

Now few owners of the media have gone to such an extent that they have started micro managing  india's policy matters like foreign affairs,defence,Telecoms, Home affairs etc. This is such a dangerous trend which will break the nation. The one man who stands tall to break this menace for the good of india is Narendra Modi. We are aware about the infamous Nira Radia tapes where the media bigwigs played a role in selecting the minister for telecommunication portfolio, Also few of them has been involved in the cash for vote scam which the UPA-1 has survived after no confidence motion moved by BJP and communists. There is  confirmed  from swapan dasgupta a political Analyst and an op-ed writer that crores of tax payers money was rolled in for media to highlight or overplay the so called achievements of congress party and underplay the governance  of Narendra Modi. Even for upcoming  2014 elections the money spent on Bharat Nirman advertisements from tax payers money went to media houses.

Is the Gujarat only place where riots took place? History shows that in fact more riots took place during congress regimes and even recently there was Assam riots where the causalities are more than Gujarat , Even today as we speak there are riots going on in Uttar Pradesh but media people will look other wise with selective amnesia. Media folks  made Modi as an instrument of  their bread and butter but with Modi almost declared as a PM candidate of BJP these compromised media have been rattled and had increased the freqency of their witch hunting as their worst nightmare is going to become true and some one is going to disturb their apple cart and cozy relationship with ruling party.

One can notice the way Karan Thapar, Barkha Dutt, Rajdeep sardesai, Sagarika Gose's interviews, They will invite the likes of Imran Khans,Yaseen Malik and others who are anti indians and let them fo easy without asking controversial questions.They never dare to question the top congress leadership or Gandhis. Forget about the questioning,did anyone saw Gandhi's(Nehru Family)  giving interviews to media houses?   When media anchors were provoked or if some one else raises the issue on Gandhis  media anchors quietly say that don't go personal as they are not holding any public offices, But all the mentioned protocols will vanish the moment some one rants on Modi.

Do the media have the moral uprightness to judge a person? I  agree with Rajat Sharma when he said that Modi is required for Media's TRP ratings but media shall also have extensive debates on atleast matters concerning india like fall of rupee,infrastructure projects,need for bullet trains and metro rails for the cities with population more than 1 million. Also they should be interviewing sonia gandhi and Rahul.  So the day is not far away that this media mafia needs to be exposed and once we have a credible leader then we won't be seeing the corrupted media and these journos needs to be booked when next government takes over.I am sure india needs to get rid of the ilks of Rupert Murdoch of Britain and there are many Murdochs right from the indira gandhi time in indian media like Dilip Padgoankar  who took money and kept silent on excesses  of congress party during emergency,1984 sikh Genocide. The only exception i see was  that of Ramnath Goenka's team of indian express i.e. Arun shourie and Gurumurthy with their investigative journalism exposed the AR Antuley during indira gandhi's  tenure and the same team with chitra subramaniam exposed Bofors during Rajiv Gandhi's Tenure. Gurumurthy has also took the ill deals of Dhirubhai Ambani as indian express reporter,Remember the role of R Madhavan in Maniratnam's Guru Movie?  Gone are those rare pedigree of journos.

Here are much more revelations from someone else  about media and congress nexus..
"1. Hindustan Times – Shobhna Bhartia, owner and editor-in-chief of Hindustan Times is a Congress MP from Rajya Sabha.

2. Vinod Sharma, HT Political Affairs editor, is essentially a Congress spokesman on all TV panel discussions, because once his boss’ term gets over, he will be looking out for her RS seat next

3. Barkha Dutt and Vir Sanghvi, famous Congress stooges (and intermediaries for UPA allies) who were exposed in the Radiagate scandal, and are virtual Congress spokespersons in their capacities as electronic media personalities, are the ones who write opinion and op-ed columns most frequently (once every week) on the editorial pages of HT. In return, Barkha and Sanghvi are rewarded with Padma Shris and other monetary compensation by the Nehru dynasty or Congress party.

4. NDTV’s promoters are Prannoy Roy and Radhika Roy. Radhika’s sister Brinda Karat is a famous CPM leader (well known for anti-Baba Ramdev views) and Brinda’s husband Prakash Karat is the CPM Politburo General Secretary (well known for preferring Congress over BJP). And Prannoy Roy’s first cousin is the famous far-leftist pro-Maoist-Naxalite pro-Kashmiri-terrorists “intellectual” Arundhati Suzanna Roy.

5. NDTV’s Barkha Dutt’s reality has already been exposed by me in above section.

6. NDTV’s Sonia Singh is the wife of Uttar Pradesh Congress MP, Union minister and ex-princely state ruler, Mr. R. P. N. Singh, who is one of the fastest rising stars in the Congress party. If you remember, Sonia Singh is a very high-profile anchor on NDTV whose pro-Congress anti-BJP bias is legendary.

7. NDTV’s Nidhi Razdan (high-profile anchor of Left Right Centre) is the current girlfriend of J&K CM Omar Abdullah (after Omar recently divorced his wife of several years and mother of his two children, Payal). Nidhi Razdan is also famous for her legendary pro-Congress and anti-BJP bias.

8. CNN-IBN : Rajdeep Sardesai’s wife and co-promoter of CNN-IBN, Sagarika Ghose, who anchors Face the Nation and is famous journalist of CNN-IBN (well, her hubby is the owner-editor-in-chief after all) are famous Congress stooges.

9. Sagarika’s father Bhaskar Ghose was a famous sarkari babu and was made the chief of Prasar Bharati (Doordarshan) during Indira and Rajiv regimes. Bhaskar Ghose was well-known for personal loyalty to the Nehru dynasty, and now his daughter and son-in-law are rewarded with their own channel to do Congress propaganda.

10. In fact Sagarika’s extended family even consists of her aunts Ruma Pal (former Supreme Court justice and a close friend of the Nehru family) and Arundhati Ghose (former diplomat and Indian ambassador to various countries, predictably, under Congress regimes).

11. Let’s now come to another famous CNN-IBN media personality who also writes columns frequently for Hindustan Times — Karan Thapar. What you may not know is that the Nehru family itself is related, through blood and marriages, to the high-profile Thapar family. India’s Army chief during the 1962 debacle against China, Gen. P. N. Thapar, is brother-in-law of Nayantara Sehgal, the daughter of Vijaylakshmi Pandit and niece of Jawaharlal Nehru. Gen. Thapar’s son is pro-Congress journalist Karan Thapar. Gen. Thapar’s sister is Romila Thapar, a famous “top” typical JNU Nehruvian communist ideologue historian, who gets to write our textbooks and pollute them with pro-Congress Marxist propaganda.

12. The HIndu – The Worst – N. Ram, owner and editor-in-chief (till February 2012) of The Hindu, was once a vice president of the Students Federation of India. SFI is the students’ wing of the CPM.

13. P. Sainath of the The Hindu (acclaimed journalist well known for his, again, unsurprisingly, typical left-wing Nehruvian communism ideology), is the nephew of Congress politician V. Shankar Giri and the grandson of V. V. Giri, ex-President of India and famous Congress politician. Giri was especially known to be one of the first few staunch loyalists of Indira, and whom Indira fielded for President elections against her own party’s Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy, and who ultimately became the cause of the first high-profile split in the Indian National Congress into Congress (O) and Congress (I) — almost all the pre-independence regional stalwarts split away to join Congress (O) or form their own state parties, and the rest including Giri (all the loyalists of the Nehru family staying on with Indira).

14. Or even what about little known News24 Hindi media channel? Owned by ex-journalist and editor Rajiv Shukla, famous Congress MP in Rajya Sabha, Union minister, industrialist, BCCI vice president and IPL chairman.

15. Or even what about little known Lokmat (and IBN Lokmat) that is Marathi newspaper (and channel) in Maharashtra? Owner and editors-in-chief are the brothers Vijay Darda (Congress MP) and Rajendra Darda (Congress MLA in Maharashtra, and minister in state govt).

16. Or even the other bigger and smaller media houses, such as The Times of India and Indian Express, where the Nehru dynasty has managed to infiltrate its loyalists such as Dileep Padgaonkar and Shekhar Gupta, who are essentially paid stooges of the Congress party.

17 Vinod Mehta - Outlook editor has been well known to take anti BJP stand

The Congress (in fact just the one single family — the Nehru dynasty) has been in power for 56 of the last 65 years of independence. This matters a LOT. Personal relationships have been built, blackmail-worthy secrets have been spied, monumental wealth has been accumulated … all by the one single Nehru dynasty (and its family-business-cum-political-party aka Congress) that helps it maintain its tight irongrip over not just the entire Indian mainstream media, but also deep into our bureaucracy, our governmental institutions, and even our journalism and mass media colleges and grad schools.

We have probably not even scratched the surface of the network of family and personal relationships through which the Nehru dynasty has completely dominated and controlled the entire intellectual, historian and journalist landscape of India. And we haven’t even talked about the monumental wealth or the blackmailing secrets. All because the one single dynasty got to rule over India for 60 years uninterrupted. It matters a LOT.

The typical JNU Nehruvian communist left-libbers ideologues have really perpetrated some kind of stranglehold on India’s journalism, media and intellectual space.

Almost all opposition (or even centre-right ideologues) journalists have been slowly thrown out of their jobs due to pressure from the Congress and the Nehru family.

Even the great venerable Ramnath Goenka, frustrated and broken by repeated I-T raids and ED investigations ultimately had to fire Arun Shourie twice from the Indian Express, which was once the best Indian newspaper in the 1970s and 80s. That was the team — Goenka the owner, Shourie the editor, and S. Gurumurthy the fearless journalist, that brought political heavyweights like Indira Gandhi down on her knees and even took on corporate honchos like Dhirubhai Ambani. (Ramnath Goenka inspired the Mithun Chakraborty character and S. Gurumurthy inspired the R. Madhavan character in the Ambani biopic “Guru”.)

But very few centre-right ideologues are left in India’s media space today, that too in minor publications like The Pioneer. Almost all the mainstream media houses have been thoroughly infiltrated and coerced into towing the Congress’ line, sometimes just through ideology and relationships, and not even money power.

The Congress party essentially owns and controls every single mainstream media house in India, including Hindustan Times, The Times of India, NDTV, CNN-IBN, The Hindu, Tehelka, Outlook, etc" 

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