Saturday, July 25, 2020

Ram Janmabhoomi saga

On August 5th 2020 the aspirations and wishes of millions   of Hindus will become true . Maryada Purushottam Ram Lalla’s temple construction foundation ceremony is happening in Ayodhya right at Sri Ram Janmabhoomi Ayodhya under the rule of shri Narendra Modi at centre and Shri Yogi Adityanath in UP. May be lord Ram has waited to have two bachelors in practice ruling India and its province of UP. Like Tirupati Balaji temple in AP we will have a Bhavya Divya Ram mandir in Nagara style( Chandrakanth sompura and sons are architects)  of North India  at lord ram's birth place in Ayodhya.

Most of my observations in this article are from historic events and from interview of unsung hero Shri Champat Rai VHP Vice president and general Secretary of Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Ksteerta

Before I elaborate on other historic milestones we need to state that November 9th 2019 is the most  historic day or ultimate day after December 6th 1992   which decisively resolved the dispute in independent india  via supreme court of india , The bench under then CJI Ranjan Gogoi gave unanimous verdict( All 5 judges DY Chandrachud, Sharad Arvind Bobde, S. Abdul Nazeer, Ashok Bhushan)   that all 2.77 disputed land along with land acquired under the Acquisition of Certain Area at Ayodhya Act, 1993  belong to Ram Lalla and Hindus.  While in order to make sure that muslims are also not felt left out they have given a verdict so that UP government will allocate 5 acres of land in the vicinity of Ayodhya to sunni waqf board.
One other historic day was February 5th 2020 when PM Narendra Modi announced on the floor of Loksabha that Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra trust will be established as per the directives of Apex court. The trust is now headed by nonagenarian Shri KA Parasaran who also spearheaded the arguments for shri Ram lalla virajman in SC, and the other members of the trust are mentioned below.
1.       Mahant Nritya Gopal Das Maharaj, President
2.       Swami Govind Dev Giriji Maharaj, Treasurer
3.       Shri Champat Rai, General Secretary
4.       Shri Nripendra Mishra, IAS
5.       Swami Vasudevanand Saraswatiji Maharaj, member
6.       Swami Vishwa Prasannathirthaji Maharaj, member
7.       Yugpurush Parmanand Giri Ji Maharaj, member
8.       Shri Vimlendra Mohan Pratap Mishra, member
9.       Dr Anil Mishra, Homoeopathic Doctor, member
10.   Kameshwar Chaupal, member
11.   Mahant Devendra Das Ji, member
12.   Shri Gyanesh Kumar, IAS, Additional Secretary of Home Ministry
13.   Shri Avnish Awasthi, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary of Uttar Pradesh Government
14.   Shri Anuj Jha, IAS; ex-officio trustee and Collector & DM Ayodhya

                                          Members of Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust 

Good thing about the trust is all members of the trust should be a practicing hindus and people across all fields who had emotionally, spiritually, politically contributed for the Ramjanmabhoomi have been incorporated. Every one of us can contribute(like squirrel in Ramayana)  for Ram mandir via  SBI  account of trust (donate button )on

                               Revised latest blueprint picture of Ram Manir in 2020 will now be 161 feet instead of 141 and 3 floors instead of 2 floors .Older plan was from year 1989.

So the destruction of original temple was started in 1518 by Mir Baqi the commander in chief of the then Mughal king Babur and subsequently a mosque on the name of Babur called Babri Masjid was constructed. Before the 1940s, It was called Masjid-i Janmasthan ("mosque of the birthplace") including in official documents. There was an occasion during british rule where a muslim phakeer and Hindu sants reached consensus to construct ram temple but british who was ruling with divide and rule doctrine hanged them on tree to create nightmare for any brainwave in that direction of Hindu-Muslim unity.  On 23rd December 1949 Santh Abhiram Das with few other sadhus has installed the idols of ram lalla under the main dome  of babri Basjid which made sure that Hindus has moral sanctity to pray and then PM of india Jawaharlal Nehru tried to scuttle it by ordering the district magistrate to remove them but Mahant Digvijay Nath warned Nehru that no one can touch ram lalla idol until he is alive and Nehru ‘s attempt failed, A pujari or priest was allowed to go inside and offer prayers daily  from 1949 to 1984 for half hour  in the morning and in evening . There was also a story about somnath temple which caused fissures between then prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru and 1st president of india Dr Rajendra Prasad  when Prasad went to inaugurate somnath temple of  lord shiva in Prabhas patan  near Junagadh in saurastra region of Gujarat, Nehru tried his best to ridicule and stop him. 

                                       Pic of Mahant Digvijay Nath

Ramjanmabhoomi temple movement subsided for a while, Even though Vishwa Hindu Parishad was formed for addressing issues related to Hindus in 1964 but only until March 6th 1983  when in Muzzafarnagar of UP RSS organized a meeting for Hindus which was attended by Daudiyal Khanna a congress leader from Moradabad , yes you heard it right Daudiyal Khanna congress leader who was once a MLA and was also a health minister of UP. He was very old by 1983 and was reluctant to speak and when organizers persisted him to speak again and no one had any idea what he may reveal  at last  he wrote a letter and read it out saying “ Dear Hindus at last time has come to liberate Ayodhya, Kashi and Mathura from memoires of foreign invaders” and the session ended and until then VHP  nowhere pursued or involved for the temple on  Ram Janmabhoomi.
Ashok singhal then top member of VHP read the details about Daudiyal Khanna’s speech in  newspaper and approached him and said this should not be left to people alone instead it should be vetted with sadhus and sants.  on 7th April 1984 VHP has organized another meeting for sadhus and sants in vignan bhawan , NewDelhi and also invited Daudiyal Khanna and he repeated the same again and sadhus and sanths took it up as movement from then and VHP officially took it up . Then parama hans Ramchandra Das a sadhu from Ayodhya , Sant Awaidyanath of Gorakpur math  ( Guru of current UP CM yoi Adityanath) , Daudiyal Khanna , Ashok singhal and around 20-25 sadhus met  in Ayodhya and formed “Dharmasthan Mukti yagna samithi”. Slowly a movement started to churn from Ayodhya and it has crossed the cities, states and the message was passed onto entire country.

So VHP has intensified statement that for 34 yrs from 1940 to 1984 lord ram was locked and a time has come to open the locks and liberate Ram lalla murthi among UP citizens . The campaign heat was felt  even by then UP CM from congress Shri Veer Bahadur Singh when Mahant Awaidyanath said “ if I break the lock on  babri structure residing on Ram Janmabhoomi under which law will you arrest me ? “ which send shivers down the spine of Veer Bahadur and he reined in Awaidyanath and took it upon himself and finally opened the locks via faizabad  district judge orders on 1st February 1986 . The news and the excitement that locks on lord ram was removed has enthused the masses and a demand for exclusive Bhavya Divya Ram mandir was spread. Then came the thoughts about nature of temple which prompted the campaign for 100 Rs contribution from each individual and one brick from each house, colony or temple vicinity across india for Ram Mandir in Ayodhya  Then came a thought that in order to construct temple one need to remove the structure of babri masjid and at first there was a formal discussion with local Muslim parties to voluntarily remove  the structure for the sake of ram lalla  which failed and then the proposal to give the task to ordinary devoted people named as karsevaks was entrusted upon.

While all these activities were happening from VHP, RSS and only reluctant congress party was involved until 1987. It was from 1987-88 then BJP President  Lal Krishna Advani who was mooting a resolution on Ram Mandir as core agenda of BJP  but there was resistance to Advani’s attempts until 1989 from with in the party. At palampur BJP executive in 1989 Advani as president of BJP passed a resolution adopting a need for Ram mandir in Ayodhya as a core political agenda of BJP, Finally a resolution was passed on Ram Mandir as core agenda of BJP without debate and vote until then only repeal of article 370 was core agenda and latter demand for uniform civil code was added. Though congress party in 1986 under then PM Rajiv Gandhi and UP CM Veer Bhadra singh was 1st movers on Ram mandir they never had will to take it to logical conclusion as they want to mitigate the damage done by their excess minority appeasement of undoing the shah bano divorce verdict of supreme court via legislation in parliament thereby heeding to muslim law board , misogynists and mullahs. BJP took exponential leap electorally from 2 MP seats in 1984 to 85 MP seats in 1989 and congress reduced its tally to half during same time. Then came VP singh who walked out of Rajiv Gandhi’s cabinet and started  Janata Dal party  who played a mischievous game of promising Mandir to BJP, promising communists to rein in BJP’s political  rise and promising to muslims that babri will be intact and became PM with help of diametrically opposite ideologies i.e.  communists and BJP.
LK Advani, Pramod Mahajan and Narendra modi mooted an idea of Rath Yatra from somnath in Gujarat(remember saga between Nehru and Rajendra Prasad) to Ram Janmabhoomi in Ayodhya.on September 25th 1990. A Toyota truck was converted into chariot and during those days Ramanand sagar ‘s ramayan was aired in national broadcaster Doordarshan. However on October 23rd then PM VP singh has asked Bihar CM to halt and arrest LK Advani upon arriving in smasthipur, Bihar

                                                LK Advani's rath yatra from somnath to Ayodhya

On VHP front they were challenged by media that forget about karsevaks not even bird can enter Babri masjid premises or Ayodhya .Despite LK Advani’s arrest on 30th October 1990 the entire army of karsevaks reached Babri site in ayodhya and protested and VHP leader Ashok singhal like ordinary man reached on motorcycle 3 days before. Which was taken as insult by then CM of UP Mulayam singh Yadav. On 2nd November Mulayam singh Yadav ordered police to fire on Karsevaks. Jetha Rammali from Bikaner, Kothari(Ram and sharad)  brothers from Kolkata , vasudev Gupta of Ayodhya, Rajendra Pandey son of a hand-loom worker were few among many  who got martyred for Ram Lalla on that day, on 4th April 1991 owing to pressure from all sadhus , sants, VHP.RSS  who held a meeting in boat club in New Delhi Mulayam singh had to resign as CM of UP. Prior to that on November 10th 1990 VP Singh government also fell and succeeded by Chandrashekar. Then followed assassination of Rajiv Gandhi who was contesting for 2nd term in 1991, Owing to the sympathy wave congress won again PV Narasimha Rao accidentally became PM (who was also unapologetic practicing Hindu PM from congress after LB shastri )  while BJP also grew electorally from 1989 and Kalyan Singh was UP CM. 

On December 6th 1992  Babri masjid was demolished by karsevaks. When politicians LK Advani, Murli Manohar Joshi , Uma Bharati and Sadvi ritambara were in ayodhya. There was lot of pressure on Kalyan singh to rein in karsevaks or repeat what Mulayam did in November 1990 but until today he was unapologetic and proud that even if babri structure fell not even a single karsevak should be shot by police.

                                                  Kotari brothers( Ram and Sharad) 

On the legal front , Before 1984 there are 3 cases in lower courts since independence of  india pertaining to RamJanmabhoomi site. 1st case was in 1950 when some youth under the name of Gopal Singh Visharath from Ayodhya filed a case to pray ram lalla murthi in 1949. Lower court ordered in favor of Gopal singh and people went on to pray Ram lalla and offer money and then arise a need for receiver of money offered by devotees to maintain records and manage money. The receiver existed until 1959 when on 17th December 1959 Vairagi ramanand ‘s akhada called Nirmohi akhada objected and wanted to remove the receiver and hand over the management to them. In December 1961 Sunni muslims also filed another case saying that this was a masjid and Hindus need remove deities and it should be officially announced as a mosque. All the three mentioned cases went on until 1984.

 In 1984 when VHP studied the case and was assisted by Bhuta singh then Home Minister who inturn advised the name of Lal Narayan Sinha from Patna who was once an attorney general under Indira Gandhi to thoroughly study the case, He along with VHP’s Allahabad HC advocates, Devkinanda Agarwal  virendra kumar singh choudary and few others drafted a new petition which was not filed on any property but indeed on the name of deity ramlalla. Subsequently all the cases from lower courts were also joined and moved to Allahabad HC by the time the Babri structure has been demolished and inorder to protect the land PV Narasimha Rao government acquired 67 acres of non-disputed land and passed Acquisition of Certain Area at Ayodhya Act, 1993   Muslim parties did not liked it and challenged that in Supreme Court which inturn prompted then president of India  Shri Shankar Dayal Sharma to request Supreme Court that considering the sensitivity of the issue involving sentiments of  Hindus and Muslims ,SC should decisively rule whether there was a temple prior to 1528 or a barren land on which Babri masjid was constructed. Muslim parties’ petition and president of india’s appeal got merged and 5 benches judges under then CJI Venkata Chalaiah gave judgment on October 1994. While the case was under SC’s purview Supreme Court also questioned the government of india via Attorney General Dipankar Gupta about what it thinks about president’s question on facts about land of ramjanmabhoomi prior to 1528 ,then government said if it is proved that temple existed prior to 1528 then government will go  in favor of Hindus if not it will oblige muslim parties. SC also inquired AG Dipankar Gupta what will government of india do if SC wants babri to be re installed on disputed land ? Here comes the twist PV Narasimha Rao government said it has announced what all it can already and if SC wants to rebuild babri mosque again it may not follow. This prompted SC to return the president’s question unanswered respectfully and also agreed on government’s acquisition of 67 acres. Now that acquisition of 67 acres is valid all the remaining or residual petitions pertaining to land, mosque in SC was annulled and SC asked Allahabad HC to review petition from beginning. Then it all started in Allahabad HC from 1995 and it went on for 15 years while the  bench changed 13 times as many judges  got retired and new benches were  formed and on 14th change in bench the judgement got delivered in 2010 ,In midst of these 15 years in 2003 there was a question from HC  whether one can prove the existence of temple ? Which prompted for soil testing and latter excavations by ASI under the Prime Minister ship of Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee who was first PM from BJP .Experts were ordered for soil testing and excavations. While Hindu groups objected that deity should not be touched or removed  which ASI obliged. There was a team of observers, labors and ASI teams which compromised of significant number of muslims in each field and even photos, video recordings, ID cards for personnel and excavation timing logs happened under the monitoring of Allahabad HC during excavations.  Finally the excavation report gave a finding that there indeed existed Ram Mandir artifacts (Thanks to KK Muhammed for playing a vital role and abiding his duty ) over the large area prior to year 1528 , on 30th September 2010   Sudhir Agarwal, DB Sharma and SU Khan of Allahabad HC bench accepted Ram Lalla’s case and rejected sunni waqf board and Nirmoha Akhada’s case yet gave a bizarre judgement of splitting the disputed land among three parties Ram Lalla, Nirmoha Akhada and Sunni waqf board which actually was not demanded by any disputing parties.
In 2011 it went into SC domain again however it was congress government under Manmohan singh which was in power in india  and defacto ruled by Sonia Gandhi ,who even filed an affidavit that lord ram was a mythical character and not real in other ram sethu case. They started all filibustering tactics in parliament and did not cooperate with SC and the case kept on pending then came 2014 when Narendra Bhai Damodar Das Modi was sworn in as PM for 1st time . Then again there was fresh  movement in SC in 2016 started by subramanian swamy(who filed on the basis of right to pray) and around March 2017 Yogi Adityanath became CM of UP which escalated the task to convert thousands of manuscripts from Sanskrit, Gurumukhi,Hindi, Devanagri, Persian and urdu to English which directly helped in fast tracking in SC . The SC bench of then CJI Deepak Misra could not hear day to day and meanwhile congress and its ecosystem played mischievous impeachment attempts and character assassinating of Deepak Misra by conniving with 4 SC sitting judges who on motive held an unprecedented press conference of revolt on roster list and assigned cases in SC .

Then came 2019 when another 5 bench under then CJI Ranjan Gogoi was formed which also latter appointed mediation team(out of court arbitration if possible)  on March 8th 2019 comprising former judge FM Khalifullah , Art of living head Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and legal mediator Sriram panchu while congress and its legal head and man of all seasons in SC  Mr Kapil Sibal kept on pressing in media and in parliament that the judgement should be postponed after 2019 Loksabha elections as they feared that incumbent Modi government may take advantage of any judgement in favor of hindus. They even tried to meet then CJI Ranjan Gogoi and used lobbies to pursue him. Finally Loksbaha elections happened and Narendra Modi won again with much bigger majority for BJP alone.

On July 18th   2019  SC appointed mediation committee after 4 and half months involving  seven sittings with disputing parties  submitted its report and on August 2nd 2019 then CJI Ranjan Gogoi announced that mediation failed and they started hearing the case day to day basis subsequently. Day to day hearing went on for 40 days and here are some interesting facts, spearhead advocate for Ram lalla Shri KA Parsaran a nonagenarian when started arguing was offered a choice of taking a seat  in court room considering his age but he said “I have argued for many strange clients trough out my career by standing and how can I sit and argue for my  lord ram now”. He argued two to two and half hrs in the morning and again in afternoon for 2 hrs after 1 hr lunch break. He stood and argued for 16 hrs totally in first round alone and even visited court every single day for 40 days for hearing  arguments of all remaining advocates, CS vaidyanathan was another advocate who removed the shoes and argued for ram lalla as a mark of devotion and respect and then another advocate Narasimha who quoted skanda purana verse when a judge asked what’s the benefit or purpose of praying in Ram Janmabhoomi.  As per skanda purana  one attains salvation by visiting birth place of lord ram so does another advocate of ram lalla shri ranjit Kumar argued vociferously with devotion, when one judge questioned relation between birthplace of Parasaran and lord ram , parasaran said my  village  Srirangam in tamil Nadu  is 40 kms away from the place where lord rama traveled while on his way to Lanka in pursuit of sita. A well-read man Parasaran also regularly practices parayan of Valmiki Ramayana.Rajinder Singh, Sikh Scholar, appearing as a witness for the Hindu side had refered to several books about Sikh Cult (sic) and history. He also stated in his examination-in-chief that Guru Nanak Dev Ji had sought darshan of Shri Ram Janma Bhumi Temple at Ayodhya in 1510-1511 ADFinally the judgement came unanimously in favor of Ramlalla and hindus and SC dismissed petitions of sunni waqf board and nirmoha akhada .

SC in 1994 under venkata chelaiah said (kamal farooqui vs state of india) that once the final judgement is delivered the land should be delivered to a new trust. Abiding that judgement Narendra Modi government came up with shri RamJanmabhoomi Teerth Kseetra Trust. On 25th March UP CM Yogi moved the Ram lalla from make shift temporary tent to pre-fabricated bullet proof glass to facilitate the leveling and construction of temple with in Ram Janmabhoomi premises where it will be there until final temple is ready.

Ram lalla, Laxman , Sita and Hanuman deities currently in bullet proof temporary structure at Ramjanmabhoomi 

                                         Artifacts found during excavation and ground leveling in 2020

Epilogue- While the obstructions for  centuries old wishes of Hindus for  Bhavya Divya  Ram Mandir was cleared one should never forget the treacherous roles played by leftist historians like Irfan habib and Romila Thapar who brain washed generations of people and academia by lying that Ram mandir never existed at Ayodhya on disputed site. Even during leveling of temple premises after the judgement  lots of artifacts related to temple came up.  It’s the same gang along with plaint paid media , congress and other so called secular parties who were also succeeded in procrastinating the judgement after 2019 loksbaha elections. While besides routine swearing Narendra Modi met then CJI  cordially only once on November 25th 2018 , when then Chief Justice Gogoi had invited the prime minister to attend a dinner he was hosting on November 25 for judges from the BIMSTEC countries – Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal and Thailand. Modi requested then CJI Gogoi to take him to historic court 1 which is biggest and main  court room in SC. Modi might have said something to Ranjan Gogoi regarding Ram Mandir ? Your guesses? I think he might have requested to fast track the judgement either way based on merit and facts of the case. I would predict hypothetical scenario that what if the judgement went  in favor of sunni waqf board ? Then like PV Narasimha Rao in 1994, Narendra  Modi government would have brought  an ordinance in favor of Mandir  before 2024.
JAI SHRIRAM either way "Mandir vahee Banega"

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