Saturday, July 25, 2020

Ram Janmabhoomi saga

On August 5th 2020 the aspirations and wishes of millions   of Hindus will become true . Maryada Purushottam Ram Lalla’s temple construction foundation ceremony is happening in Ayodhya right at Sri Ram Janmabhoomi Ayodhya under the rule of shri Narendra Modi at centre and Shri Yogi Adityanath in UP. May be lord Ram has waited to have two bachelors in practice ruling India and its province of UP. Like Tirupati Balaji temple in AP we will have a Bhavya Divya Ram mandir in Nagara style( Chandrakanth sompura and sons are architects)  of North India  at lord ram's birth place in Ayodhya.

Most of my observations in this article are from historic events and from interview of unsung hero Shri Champat Rai VHP Vice president and general Secretary of Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Ksteerta

Before I elaborate on other historic milestones we need to state that November 9th 2019 is the most  historic day or ultimate day after December 6th 1992   which decisively resolved the dispute in independent india  via supreme court of india , The bench under then CJI Ranjan Gogoi gave unanimous verdict( All 5 judges DY Chandrachud, Sharad Arvind Bobde, S. Abdul Nazeer, Ashok Bhushan)   that all 2.77 disputed land along with land acquired under the Acquisition of Certain Area at Ayodhya Act, 1993  belong to Ram Lalla and Hindus.  While in order to make sure that muslims are also not felt left out they have given a verdict so that UP government will allocate 5 acres of land in the vicinity of Ayodhya to sunni waqf board.
One other historic day was February 5th 2020 when PM Narendra Modi announced on the floor of Loksabha that Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra trust will be established as per the directives of Apex court. The trust is now headed by nonagenarian Shri KA Parasaran who also spearheaded the arguments for shri Ram lalla virajman in SC, and the other members of the trust are mentioned below.
1.       Mahant Nritya Gopal Das Maharaj, President
2.       Swami Govind Dev Giriji Maharaj, Treasurer
3.       Shri Champat Rai, General Secretary
4.       Shri Nripendra Mishra, IAS
5.       Swami Vasudevanand Saraswatiji Maharaj, member
6.       Swami Vishwa Prasannathirthaji Maharaj, member
7.       Yugpurush Parmanand Giri Ji Maharaj, member
8.       Shri Vimlendra Mohan Pratap Mishra, member
9.       Dr Anil Mishra, Homoeopathic Doctor, member
10.   Kameshwar Chaupal, member
11.   Mahant Devendra Das Ji, member
12.   Shri Gyanesh Kumar, IAS, Additional Secretary of Home Ministry
13.   Shri Avnish Awasthi, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary of Uttar Pradesh Government
14.   Shri Anuj Jha, IAS; ex-officio trustee and Collector & DM Ayodhya

                                          Members of Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust 

Good thing about the trust is all members of the trust should be a practicing hindus and people across all fields who had emotionally, spiritually, politically contributed for the Ramjanmabhoomi have been incorporated. Every one of us can contribute(like squirrel in Ramayana)  for Ram mandir via  SBI  account of trust (donate button )on

                               Revised latest blueprint picture of Ram Manir in 2020 will now be 161 feet instead of 141 and 3 floors instead of 2 floors .Older plan was from year 1989.

So the destruction of original temple was started in 1518 by Mir Baqi the commander in chief of the then Mughal king Babur and subsequently a mosque on the name of Babur called Babri Masjid was constructed. Before the 1940s, It was called Masjid-i Janmasthan ("mosque of the birthplace") including in official documents. There was an occasion during british rule where a muslim phakeer and Hindu sants reached consensus to construct ram temple but british who was ruling with divide and rule doctrine hanged them on tree to create nightmare for any brainwave in that direction of Hindu-Muslim unity.  On 23rd December 1949 Santh Abhiram Das with few other sadhus has installed the idols of ram lalla under the main dome  of babri Basjid which made sure that Hindus has moral sanctity to pray and then PM of india Jawaharlal Nehru tried to scuttle it by ordering the district magistrate to remove them but Mahant Digvijay Nath warned Nehru that no one can touch ram lalla idol until he is alive and Nehru ‘s attempt failed, A pujari or priest was allowed to go inside and offer prayers daily  from 1949 to 1984 for half hour  in the morning and in evening . There was also a story about somnath temple which caused fissures between then prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru and 1st president of india Dr Rajendra Prasad  when Prasad went to inaugurate somnath temple of  lord shiva in Prabhas patan  near Junagadh in saurastra region of Gujarat, Nehru tried his best to ridicule and stop him. 

                                       Pic of Mahant Digvijay Nath

Ramjanmabhoomi temple movement subsided for a while, Even though Vishwa Hindu Parishad was formed for addressing issues related to Hindus in 1964 but only until March 6th 1983  when in Muzzafarnagar of UP RSS organized a meeting for Hindus which was attended by Daudiyal Khanna a congress leader from Moradabad , yes you heard it right Daudiyal Khanna congress leader who was once a MLA and was also a health minister of UP. He was very old by 1983 and was reluctant to speak and when organizers persisted him to speak again and no one had any idea what he may reveal  at last  he wrote a letter and read it out saying “ Dear Hindus at last time has come to liberate Ayodhya, Kashi and Mathura from memoires of foreign invaders” and the session ended and until then VHP  nowhere pursued or involved for the temple on  Ram Janmabhoomi.
Ashok singhal then top member of VHP read the details about Daudiyal Khanna’s speech in  newspaper and approached him and said this should not be left to people alone instead it should be vetted with sadhus and sants.  on 7th April 1984 VHP has organized another meeting for sadhus and sants in vignan bhawan , NewDelhi and also invited Daudiyal Khanna and he repeated the same again and sadhus and sanths took it up as movement from then and VHP officially took it up . Then parama hans Ramchandra Das a sadhu from Ayodhya , Sant Awaidyanath of Gorakpur math  ( Guru of current UP CM yoi Adityanath) , Daudiyal Khanna , Ashok singhal and around 20-25 sadhus met  in Ayodhya and formed “Dharmasthan Mukti yagna samithi”. Slowly a movement started to churn from Ayodhya and it has crossed the cities, states and the message was passed onto entire country.

So VHP has intensified statement that for 34 yrs from 1940 to 1984 lord ram was locked and a time has come to open the locks and liberate Ram lalla murthi among UP citizens . The campaign heat was felt  even by then UP CM from congress Shri Veer Bahadur Singh when Mahant Awaidyanath said “ if I break the lock on  babri structure residing on Ram Janmabhoomi under which law will you arrest me ? “ which send shivers down the spine of Veer Bahadur and he reined in Awaidyanath and took it upon himself and finally opened the locks via faizabad  district judge orders on 1st February 1986 . The news and the excitement that locks on lord ram was removed has enthused the masses and a demand for exclusive Bhavya Divya Ram mandir was spread. Then came the thoughts about nature of temple which prompted the campaign for 100 Rs contribution from each individual and one brick from each house, colony or temple vicinity across india for Ram Mandir in Ayodhya  Then came a thought that in order to construct temple one need to remove the structure of babri masjid and at first there was a formal discussion with local Muslim parties to voluntarily remove  the structure for the sake of ram lalla  which failed and then the proposal to give the task to ordinary devoted people named as karsevaks was entrusted upon.

While all these activities were happening from VHP, RSS and only reluctant congress party was involved until 1987. It was from 1987-88 then BJP President  Lal Krishna Advani who was mooting a resolution on Ram Mandir as core agenda of BJP  but there was resistance to Advani’s attempts until 1989 from with in the party. At palampur BJP executive in 1989 Advani as president of BJP passed a resolution adopting a need for Ram mandir in Ayodhya as a core political agenda of BJP, Finally a resolution was passed on Ram Mandir as core agenda of BJP without debate and vote until then only repeal of article 370 was core agenda and latter demand for uniform civil code was added. Though congress party in 1986 under then PM Rajiv Gandhi and UP CM Veer Bhadra singh was 1st movers on Ram mandir they never had will to take it to logical conclusion as they want to mitigate the damage done by their excess minority appeasement of undoing the shah bano divorce verdict of supreme court via legislation in parliament thereby heeding to muslim law board , misogynists and mullahs. BJP took exponential leap electorally from 2 MP seats in 1984 to 85 MP seats in 1989 and congress reduced its tally to half during same time. Then came VP singh who walked out of Rajiv Gandhi’s cabinet and started  Janata Dal party  who played a mischievous game of promising Mandir to BJP, promising communists to rein in BJP’s political  rise and promising to muslims that babri will be intact and became PM with help of diametrically opposite ideologies i.e.  communists and BJP.
LK Advani, Pramod Mahajan and Narendra modi mooted an idea of Rath Yatra from somnath in Gujarat(remember saga between Nehru and Rajendra Prasad) to Ram Janmabhoomi in Ayodhya.on September 25th 1990. A Toyota truck was converted into chariot and during those days Ramanand sagar ‘s ramayan was aired in national broadcaster Doordarshan. However on October 23rd then PM VP singh has asked Bihar CM to halt and arrest LK Advani upon arriving in smasthipur, Bihar

                                                LK Advani's rath yatra from somnath to Ayodhya

On VHP front they were challenged by media that forget about karsevaks not even bird can enter Babri masjid premises or Ayodhya .Despite LK Advani’s arrest on 30th October 1990 the entire army of karsevaks reached Babri site in ayodhya and protested and VHP leader Ashok singhal like ordinary man reached on motorcycle 3 days before. Which was taken as insult by then CM of UP Mulayam singh Yadav. On 2nd November Mulayam singh Yadav ordered police to fire on Karsevaks. Jetha Rammali from Bikaner, Kothari(Ram and sharad)  brothers from Kolkata , vasudev Gupta of Ayodhya, Rajendra Pandey son of a hand-loom worker were few among many  who got martyred for Ram Lalla on that day, on 4th April 1991 owing to pressure from all sadhus , sants, VHP.RSS  who held a meeting in boat club in New Delhi Mulayam singh had to resign as CM of UP. Prior to that on November 10th 1990 VP Singh government also fell and succeeded by Chandrashekar. Then followed assassination of Rajiv Gandhi who was contesting for 2nd term in 1991, Owing to the sympathy wave congress won again PV Narasimha Rao accidentally became PM (who was also unapologetic practicing Hindu PM from congress after LB shastri )  while BJP also grew electorally from 1989 and Kalyan Singh was UP CM. 

On December 6th 1992  Babri masjid was demolished by karsevaks. When politicians LK Advani, Murli Manohar Joshi , Uma Bharati and Sadvi ritambara were in ayodhya. There was lot of pressure on Kalyan singh to rein in karsevaks or repeat what Mulayam did in November 1990 but until today he was unapologetic and proud that even if babri structure fell not even a single karsevak should be shot by police.

                                                  Kotari brothers( Ram and Sharad) 

On the legal front , Before 1984 there are 3 cases in lower courts since independence of  india pertaining to RamJanmabhoomi site. 1st case was in 1950 when some youth under the name of Gopal Singh Visharath from Ayodhya filed a case to pray ram lalla murthi in 1949. Lower court ordered in favor of Gopal singh and people went on to pray Ram lalla and offer money and then arise a need for receiver of money offered by devotees to maintain records and manage money. The receiver existed until 1959 when on 17th December 1959 Vairagi ramanand ‘s akhada called Nirmohi akhada objected and wanted to remove the receiver and hand over the management to them. In December 1961 Sunni muslims also filed another case saying that this was a masjid and Hindus need remove deities and it should be officially announced as a mosque. All the three mentioned cases went on until 1984.

 In 1984 when VHP studied the case and was assisted by Bhuta singh then Home Minister who inturn advised the name of Lal Narayan Sinha from Patna who was once an attorney general under Indira Gandhi to thoroughly study the case, He along with VHP’s Allahabad HC advocates, Devkinanda Agarwal  virendra kumar singh choudary and few others drafted a new petition which was not filed on any property but indeed on the name of deity ramlalla. Subsequently all the cases from lower courts were also joined and moved to Allahabad HC by the time the Babri structure has been demolished and inorder to protect the land PV Narasimha Rao government acquired 67 acres of non-disputed land and passed Acquisition of Certain Area at Ayodhya Act, 1993   Muslim parties did not liked it and challenged that in Supreme Court which inturn prompted then president of India  Shri Shankar Dayal Sharma to request Supreme Court that considering the sensitivity of the issue involving sentiments of  Hindus and Muslims ,SC should decisively rule whether there was a temple prior to 1528 or a barren land on which Babri masjid was constructed. Muslim parties’ petition and president of india’s appeal got merged and 5 benches judges under then CJI Venkata Chalaiah gave judgment on October 1994. While the case was under SC’s purview Supreme Court also questioned the government of india via Attorney General Dipankar Gupta about what it thinks about president’s question on facts about land of ramjanmabhoomi prior to 1528 ,then government said if it is proved that temple existed prior to 1528 then government will go  in favor of Hindus if not it will oblige muslim parties. SC also inquired AG Dipankar Gupta what will government of india do if SC wants babri to be re installed on disputed land ? Here comes the twist PV Narasimha Rao government said it has announced what all it can already and if SC wants to rebuild babri mosque again it may not follow. This prompted SC to return the president’s question unanswered respectfully and also agreed on government’s acquisition of 67 acres. Now that acquisition of 67 acres is valid all the remaining or residual petitions pertaining to land, mosque in SC was annulled and SC asked Allahabad HC to review petition from beginning. Then it all started in Allahabad HC from 1995 and it went on for 15 years while the  bench changed 13 times as many judges  got retired and new benches were  formed and on 14th change in bench the judgement got delivered in 2010 ,In midst of these 15 years in 2003 there was a question from HC  whether one can prove the existence of temple ? Which prompted for soil testing and latter excavations by ASI under the Prime Minister ship of Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee who was first PM from BJP .Experts were ordered for soil testing and excavations. While Hindu groups objected that deity should not be touched or removed  which ASI obliged. There was a team of observers, labors and ASI teams which compromised of significant number of muslims in each field and even photos, video recordings, ID cards for personnel and excavation timing logs happened under the monitoring of Allahabad HC during excavations.  Finally the excavation report gave a finding that there indeed existed Ram Mandir artifacts (Thanks to KK Muhammed for playing a vital role and abiding his duty ) over the large area prior to year 1528 , on 30th September 2010   Sudhir Agarwal, DB Sharma and SU Khan of Allahabad HC bench accepted Ram Lalla’s case and rejected sunni waqf board and Nirmoha Akhada’s case yet gave a bizarre judgement of splitting the disputed land among three parties Ram Lalla, Nirmoha Akhada and Sunni waqf board which actually was not demanded by any disputing parties.
In 2011 it went into SC domain again however it was congress government under Manmohan singh which was in power in india  and defacto ruled by Sonia Gandhi ,who even filed an affidavit that lord ram was a mythical character and not real in other ram sethu case. They started all filibustering tactics in parliament and did not cooperate with SC and the case kept on pending then came 2014 when Narendra Bhai Damodar Das Modi was sworn in as PM for 1st time . Then again there was fresh  movement in SC in 2016 started by subramanian swamy(who filed on the basis of right to pray) and around March 2017 Yogi Adityanath became CM of UP which escalated the task to convert thousands of manuscripts from Sanskrit, Gurumukhi,Hindi, Devanagri, Persian and urdu to English which directly helped in fast tracking in SC . The SC bench of then CJI Deepak Misra could not hear day to day and meanwhile congress and its ecosystem played mischievous impeachment attempts and character assassinating of Deepak Misra by conniving with 4 SC sitting judges who on motive held an unprecedented press conference of revolt on roster list and assigned cases in SC .

Then came 2019 when another 5 bench under then CJI Ranjan Gogoi was formed which also latter appointed mediation team(out of court arbitration if possible)  on March 8th 2019 comprising former judge FM Khalifullah , Art of living head Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and legal mediator Sriram panchu while congress and its legal head and man of all seasons in SC  Mr Kapil Sibal kept on pressing in media and in parliament that the judgement should be postponed after 2019 Loksabha elections as they feared that incumbent Modi government may take advantage of any judgement in favor of hindus. They even tried to meet then CJI Ranjan Gogoi and used lobbies to pursue him. Finally Loksbaha elections happened and Narendra Modi won again with much bigger majority for BJP alone.

On July 18th   2019  SC appointed mediation committee after 4 and half months involving  seven sittings with disputing parties  submitted its report and on August 2nd 2019 then CJI Ranjan Gogoi announced that mediation failed and they started hearing the case day to day basis subsequently. Day to day hearing went on for 40 days and here are some interesting facts, spearhead advocate for Ram lalla Shri KA Parsaran a nonagenarian when started arguing was offered a choice of taking a seat  in court room considering his age but he said “I have argued for many strange clients trough out my career by standing and how can I sit and argue for my  lord ram now”. He argued two to two and half hrs in the morning and again in afternoon for 2 hrs after 1 hr lunch break. He stood and argued for 16 hrs totally in first round alone and even visited court every single day for 40 days for hearing  arguments of all remaining advocates, CS vaidyanathan was another advocate who removed the shoes and argued for ram lalla as a mark of devotion and respect and then another advocate Narasimha who quoted skanda purana verse when a judge asked what’s the benefit or purpose of praying in Ram Janmabhoomi.  As per skanda purana  one attains salvation by visiting birth place of lord ram so does another advocate of ram lalla shri ranjit Kumar argued vociferously with devotion, when one judge questioned relation between birthplace of Parasaran and lord ram , parasaran said my  village  Srirangam in tamil Nadu  is 40 kms away from the place where lord rama traveled while on his way to Lanka in pursuit of sita. A well-read man Parasaran also regularly practices parayan of Valmiki Ramayana.Rajinder Singh, Sikh Scholar, appearing as a witness for the Hindu side had refered to several books about Sikh Cult (sic) and history. He also stated in his examination-in-chief that Guru Nanak Dev Ji had sought darshan of Shri Ram Janma Bhumi Temple at Ayodhya in 1510-1511 ADFinally the judgement came unanimously in favor of Ramlalla and hindus and SC dismissed petitions of sunni waqf board and nirmoha akhada .

SC in 1994 under venkata chelaiah said (kamal farooqui vs state of india) that once the final judgement is delivered the land should be delivered to a new trust. Abiding that judgement Narendra Modi government came up with shri RamJanmabhoomi Teerth Kseetra Trust. On 25th March UP CM Yogi moved the Ram lalla from make shift temporary tent to pre-fabricated bullet proof glass to facilitate the leveling and construction of temple with in Ram Janmabhoomi premises where it will be there until final temple is ready.

Ram lalla, Laxman , Sita and Hanuman deities currently in bullet proof temporary structure at Ramjanmabhoomi 

                                         Artifacts found during excavation and ground leveling in 2020

Epilogue- While the obstructions for  centuries old wishes of Hindus for  Bhavya Divya  Ram Mandir was cleared one should never forget the treacherous roles played by leftist historians like Irfan habib and Romila Thapar who brain washed generations of people and academia by lying that Ram mandir never existed at Ayodhya on disputed site. Even during leveling of temple premises after the judgement  lots of artifacts related to temple came up.  It’s the same gang along with plaint paid media , congress and other so called secular parties who were also succeeded in procrastinating the judgement after 2019 loksbaha elections. While besides routine swearing Narendra Modi met then CJI  cordially only once on November 25th 2018 , when then Chief Justice Gogoi had invited the prime minister to attend a dinner he was hosting on November 25 for judges from the BIMSTEC countries – Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal and Thailand. Modi requested then CJI Gogoi to take him to historic court 1 which is biggest and main  court room in SC. Modi might have said something to Ranjan Gogoi regarding Ram Mandir ? Your guesses? I think he might have requested to fast track the judgement either way based on merit and facts of the case. I would predict hypothetical scenario that what if the judgement went  in favor of sunni waqf board ? Then like PV Narasimha Rao in 1994, Narendra  Modi government would have brought  an ordinance in favor of Mandir  before 2024.
JAI SHRIRAM either way "Mandir vahee Banega"

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Nirbhaya Rapist interview episode of BBC/UPA

On December 16th 2012 BBC  Journo Leslee Udwin was allowed to film the interview of Mukesh Singh one of the Rapist of Nirbhaya. Sonia Gandhi was the defacto PM and Manmohan was the PM,sushil Kumar shinde was the Home Minister and RPN Singh was MoS Home affairs of the UPA.

Media at first place is not suppose to enter jail and interview a criminal, Even if so why only foreign media people were allowed rather than vibrant indian main stream media? clear case of sensationalizing and selling the dark episodes of domestic affairs to international media by the rulers at helm and shame that  it was a woman sonia Gandhi who was quasi ruling india.What media never tell you is the fact that all this happened during congress regime and desperate to show that muck will stuck to Narendra Modi.

How was the behavior of our law makers?

Jayabhaduri: she says that NDA is shedding a crocodile tears on justice to women and  said on record in Rajyasabha that she won't leave Home Minister Rajnath Singh today without deciding the fate of Nirbhaya rapists and was kind enough to be silent in Rajyasabha for 3 years. she even disrupted Rajyasabha for a brief period of time. Now for the matter which is already in subjudice  she want Rajnath to decide. she also says that she was silent for 3 yrs . perhaps someone should remind what her leader Mulayam singh said once on rapists  "Boys are Boys , they make mistakes"

Javed Akthar: "Good that the Nirbhaya documentary was made. Now we will know how many others think like that rapist"..Here is a Bollywood  lyricist who once tweeted derogatory photo of 4 BJP women MPs, Along with sakhimahaj BJP MP and estranged wife(annulled childhood marriage) of  the supreme leader of our country. He wants to allay the impression that all men of india are evil and he is some holy intellectual breed air dropped  from the Bollywood fraternity.

Ambika Sonia: shameless is she .wakes up and shouts in Rajyasabha  how come that interview was allowed and when some one from BJP reminded her about  the fact that all this happened when she was I&B minister in cabinet minister with shinde as home minister then she shouts "let's not politicize this":

Renuka Chowdary: Here comes a bully from Khammam(Telangana), says "I think there is a confusion, don't think UPA govt gave permission for interview" What  a blatant lie when HM Rajnath placed the papers on record in the floor of Rajyasabha.

Anu Agha:"It's not just the rapist, the documentary represents views of many men in India. Banning this documentary is not the answer. What the rapist said is the views of many men in India. Let's not pretend all is well".  It seems that she want to portray all men as beasts and rapists.

Epilogue: With these kind(quality) of lawmakers  who wants to sensationalize and attest their name for the sake of showing their token  presence in parliament the real issues and the intent of raising the issues of women goes unheard. The real reason why western media is making such a hue and cry is that their puppet government was pulled down by people of india and new PM has stopped all the illegal funding of their NGOs planted under sonia.(  Also if you take the ratio of the rapes to the total population Britain is more prone to rapes than india ( (

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Why only Narendra Modi?

The most unfortunate thing happened to India was Sonia Gandhi and Chidambaram took back  India to Nehruvian model of soviet, socialist, communist economy with acts and more laws and red tape  like food security, right to education, land acquisition and did business with only crony capitalists or touts  with kick bags as quid-pro-quo for a deals  that too in only service sector but no action in manufacturing sector and kept poor as poor with freebies. This is what prevailed in india right from 1947-1991 until the license raj was lifted by PV Narasimha Rao during 1st phase of economic reforms. Though Manmohan singh was the Finance Minister the actual blue print was drafted by Harvard PHD and professor Dr Subramanian swamy.

The legacy of India's growth story after PV Narsimha Rao and AB Vajpayee(From 1991-2004) was killed by them, Now that india is about to embrace general elections in April-May 2014 and I should say unfortunately most of the regional parties and new euphoria called AAP party  have same old rancid pickle ideas. The AAP government in delhi was a nightmare for 48 days.They promised unimplementable free schemes and took unconstitutional janlokpal bill which is destined to be striked down by Supreme court as Alibi and made an escape route from governance.

The biggest problem of india is not just or only corruption but policy paralysis by ruling dispensation. Even in developed countries of the world like US,Europe,China,Japan,South Korea we will find corruption but the corruption is not rank and file and have no impact on daily activity of ordinary people. I find it amusing that if a professional bodies like supreme courts and bureaucrats in IAS cannot get rid of corruption how can a team called Janlokpal will resolve corruption? what if the lokpal has members from civil society who are hostile political activists and witch hunt and create hurdles in each and every executive decision of government. Just because we have a most corrupt government  presiding in independent india that does not mean that entire system is bad. Even if one reads religious scripts like Bhagawad Gita , Bible or Kuran the corruption can be end completely only from the society and not by enacting laws.

why only Narendra Modi?  BJP that too under Narendra Modi can revive the dream of india with free market, single window clearance, more action, less acts and less laws and more focus on hardware manufacturing, infrastructure and decentralization, employment opportunities, poverty alleviation, less corruption.
Why to believe me? He proved in 13 yrs of administration in Gujarat which received awards from UN as well as congress government in centre. people who just want janlokpal another red tape will have to eat words and mud if they prefer rhetoric of  leftists parties like AAP  and india will remain a communist nation. How many people supporting AAP knows the ideology of Kejriwal, his anti free market?

Today china is one the most prospering nation with second biggest economy after USA and mostly all the hardware manufacturing of biggest  firms in the world like Apple,Samsung is happening in china. Why can't india produce such things? Does everything gets manufactured in china? The answer is that most of assembling happens in china but raw products are bought from other south east Asian countries like Taiwan,south Korea.Japan.. why can't it happen in india? because of the policy paralysis of Dr Manmohan singh and Sonia Gandhi. For a hardware manufacturing unit to set up a plant they need to give kickbags and  give commissions to several departments in india to move the file from one department to another to get a permission. Also the land acquisition bill passed by congress government makes it extremely hard for industries to set up a plant. irony is that a communist nation china has single window clearance but a democratic nation india stuck with policy paralysis. Why Tata's Nano plant went to Gujarat from WestBengal? because Tata trust that Narendra Modi is a leader whose action matches with his words and has a single window clearance.

Posco a steel giant from south korea, Vedanta a bauxite mining company from Europe  and many more projects were stalled at environment ministry of india. Environment ministry behaves as though he is a prime minister and the real prime minister do not have a control or command to excise his power. Besides they also faced lot of agitation from communists parties and local people. Even nuclear plants  like kudankulam, Jitapur are stuck with agitations by communists,AAP and regional parties like shiv sena for political reasons but at the other side china is shifting towards nuclear energy. Imagine how many  projects of billions of  worth got stuck which offer employment to many people.

Don't we feel ashamed that indian railway which one of the oldest and biggest in world is not leveraged to spur the economic growth of india? There are places like Himachal,Uttarakhand and north eastern states where there are either no railway lines or meter gauge of british era. There was no holistic integrated policy to enter into the areas of india which is deprived of development. We don't even have a high speed bullet trains in india. Just looks at china, south korea, Japan and European countries..some of the south asian countries got independence latter than india. Look at their amazing high speed trains in the below video.

India went down in several aspects  besides economy like defense, internal security, manufacturing,employment opportunities, education, health sector. Who is the only leader in nearest horizon to talk about the issues concerning india? I would have argued why only Narendra Modi if we see at least 5 such leaders in india discussing about them.

BJP and Modi as a holistic approach to interlink all rivers in india , A project which will bring agriculture revolution in india and also a solution for water wars between states. BJP has a plan to set up real time data for agriculture exports and imports and  reduce strenuous  taxes on farmers. fortunately india is a place where agriculture can done through out the year unlike Europe,US etc and we can provide food to entire world.

Listen to this video of Narendra Modi and his holistic plans for india before voting in 2014

Friday, July 26, 2013

Why rise Of Narendra Modi will clean the paid media and mafias

Media, Whose purpose is to provide an unbiased news to the viewers and stand as a torch bearer for the democracy but today if you look at the indian media you will notice that one man who often portrayed as a villan, modern day Hitler and a victim of conspiracies.He  is Narendra Modi.

Now Modi comes from a lower middle class family whose father is a small tea vendor and has grown up as a ordinary indian guy who was deprived of the convent education. A man with unquestionable integrity who groomed by philosophical organization RSS with nationalistic mindset,Modi survived a  biggest vilification ever since the independence of india by the media.
Most of the time india had only one government owned channel Doordarshan, until it ushered the economic reforms in 1991  however after 1995 india saw a rapid upsurge with armies of media houses competing for the TRP ratings. In this process we have seen a mafias.missionaries,ISI who got injected their stakes in  the indian  media channels.Besides these media also gets the bulk of their shares from the indian government ruled by congress. so the end result is a selective amnesia while reporting on politicians..

Now few owners of the media have gone to such an extent that they have started micro managing  india's policy matters like foreign affairs,defence,Telecoms, Home affairs etc. This is such a dangerous trend which will break the nation. The one man who stands tall to break this menace for the good of india is Narendra Modi. We are aware about the infamous Nira Radia tapes where the media bigwigs played a role in selecting the minister for telecommunication portfolio, Also few of them has been involved in the cash for vote scam which the UPA-1 has survived after no confidence motion moved by BJP and communists. There is  confirmed  from swapan dasgupta a political Analyst and an op-ed writer that crores of tax payers money was rolled in for media to highlight or overplay the so called achievements of congress party and underplay the governance  of Narendra Modi. Even for upcoming  2014 elections the money spent on Bharat Nirman advertisements from tax payers money went to media houses.

Is the Gujarat only place where riots took place? History shows that in fact more riots took place during congress regimes and even recently there was Assam riots where the causalities are more than Gujarat , Even today as we speak there are riots going on in Uttar Pradesh but media people will look other wise with selective amnesia. Media folks  made Modi as an instrument of  their bread and butter but with Modi almost declared as a PM candidate of BJP these compromised media have been rattled and had increased the freqency of their witch hunting as their worst nightmare is going to become true and some one is going to disturb their apple cart and cozy relationship with ruling party.

One can notice the way Karan Thapar, Barkha Dutt, Rajdeep sardesai, Sagarika Gose's interviews, They will invite the likes of Imran Khans,Yaseen Malik and others who are anti indians and let them fo easy without asking controversial questions.They never dare to question the top congress leadership or Gandhis. Forget about the questioning,did anyone saw Gandhi's(Nehru Family)  giving interviews to media houses?   When media anchors were provoked or if some one else raises the issue on Gandhis  media anchors quietly say that don't go personal as they are not holding any public offices, But all the mentioned protocols will vanish the moment some one rants on Modi.

Do the media have the moral uprightness to judge a person? I  agree with Rajat Sharma when he said that Modi is required for Media's TRP ratings but media shall also have extensive debates on atleast matters concerning india like fall of rupee,infrastructure projects,need for bullet trains and metro rails for the cities with population more than 1 million. Also they should be interviewing sonia gandhi and Rahul.  So the day is not far away that this media mafia needs to be exposed and once we have a credible leader then we won't be seeing the corrupted media and these journos needs to be booked when next government takes over.I am sure india needs to get rid of the ilks of Rupert Murdoch of Britain and there are many Murdochs right from the indira gandhi time in indian media like Dilip Padgoankar  who took money and kept silent on excesses  of congress party during emergency,1984 sikh Genocide. The only exception i see was  that of Ramnath Goenka's team of indian express i.e. Arun shourie and Gurumurthy with their investigative journalism exposed the AR Antuley during indira gandhi's  tenure and the same team with chitra subramaniam exposed Bofors during Rajiv Gandhi's Tenure. Gurumurthy has also took the ill deals of Dhirubhai Ambani as indian express reporter,Remember the role of R Madhavan in Maniratnam's Guru Movie?  Gone are those rare pedigree of journos.

Here are much more revelations from someone else  about media and congress nexus..
"1. Hindustan Times – Shobhna Bhartia, owner and editor-in-chief of Hindustan Times is a Congress MP from Rajya Sabha.

2. Vinod Sharma, HT Political Affairs editor, is essentially a Congress spokesman on all TV panel discussions, because once his boss’ term gets over, he will be looking out for her RS seat next

3. Barkha Dutt and Vir Sanghvi, famous Congress stooges (and intermediaries for UPA allies) who were exposed in the Radiagate scandal, and are virtual Congress spokespersons in their capacities as electronic media personalities, are the ones who write opinion and op-ed columns most frequently (once every week) on the editorial pages of HT. In return, Barkha and Sanghvi are rewarded with Padma Shris and other monetary compensation by the Nehru dynasty or Congress party.

4. NDTV’s promoters are Prannoy Roy and Radhika Roy. Radhika’s sister Brinda Karat is a famous CPM leader (well known for anti-Baba Ramdev views) and Brinda’s husband Prakash Karat is the CPM Politburo General Secretary (well known for preferring Congress over BJP). And Prannoy Roy’s first cousin is the famous far-leftist pro-Maoist-Naxalite pro-Kashmiri-terrorists “intellectual” Arundhati Suzanna Roy.

5. NDTV’s Barkha Dutt’s reality has already been exposed by me in above section.

6. NDTV’s Sonia Singh is the wife of Uttar Pradesh Congress MP, Union minister and ex-princely state ruler, Mr. R. P. N. Singh, who is one of the fastest rising stars in the Congress party. If you remember, Sonia Singh is a very high-profile anchor on NDTV whose pro-Congress anti-BJP bias is legendary.

7. NDTV’s Nidhi Razdan (high-profile anchor of Left Right Centre) is the current girlfriend of J&K CM Omar Abdullah (after Omar recently divorced his wife of several years and mother of his two children, Payal). Nidhi Razdan is also famous for her legendary pro-Congress and anti-BJP bias.

8. CNN-IBN : Rajdeep Sardesai’s wife and co-promoter of CNN-IBN, Sagarika Ghose, who anchors Face the Nation and is famous journalist of CNN-IBN (well, her hubby is the owner-editor-in-chief after all) are famous Congress stooges.

9. Sagarika’s father Bhaskar Ghose was a famous sarkari babu and was made the chief of Prasar Bharati (Doordarshan) during Indira and Rajiv regimes. Bhaskar Ghose was well-known for personal loyalty to the Nehru dynasty, and now his daughter and son-in-law are rewarded with their own channel to do Congress propaganda.

10. In fact Sagarika’s extended family even consists of her aunts Ruma Pal (former Supreme Court justice and a close friend of the Nehru family) and Arundhati Ghose (former diplomat and Indian ambassador to various countries, predictably, under Congress regimes).

11. Let’s now come to another famous CNN-IBN media personality who also writes columns frequently for Hindustan Times — Karan Thapar. What you may not know is that the Nehru family itself is related, through blood and marriages, to the high-profile Thapar family. India’s Army chief during the 1962 debacle against China, Gen. P. N. Thapar, is brother-in-law of Nayantara Sehgal, the daughter of Vijaylakshmi Pandit and niece of Jawaharlal Nehru. Gen. Thapar’s son is pro-Congress journalist Karan Thapar. Gen. Thapar’s sister is Romila Thapar, a famous “top” typical JNU Nehruvian communist ideologue historian, who gets to write our textbooks and pollute them with pro-Congress Marxist propaganda.

12. The HIndu – The Worst – N. Ram, owner and editor-in-chief (till February 2012) of The Hindu, was once a vice president of the Students Federation of India. SFI is the students’ wing of the CPM.

13. P. Sainath of the The Hindu (acclaimed journalist well known for his, again, unsurprisingly, typical left-wing Nehruvian communism ideology), is the nephew of Congress politician V. Shankar Giri and the grandson of V. V. Giri, ex-President of India and famous Congress politician. Giri was especially known to be one of the first few staunch loyalists of Indira, and whom Indira fielded for President elections against her own party’s Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy, and who ultimately became the cause of the first high-profile split in the Indian National Congress into Congress (O) and Congress (I) — almost all the pre-independence regional stalwarts split away to join Congress (O) or form their own state parties, and the rest including Giri (all the loyalists of the Nehru family staying on with Indira).

14. Or even what about little known News24 Hindi media channel? Owned by ex-journalist and editor Rajiv Shukla, famous Congress MP in Rajya Sabha, Union minister, industrialist, BCCI vice president and IPL chairman.

15. Or even what about little known Lokmat (and IBN Lokmat) that is Marathi newspaper (and channel) in Maharashtra? Owner and editors-in-chief are the brothers Vijay Darda (Congress MP) and Rajendra Darda (Congress MLA in Maharashtra, and minister in state govt).

16. Or even the other bigger and smaller media houses, such as The Times of India and Indian Express, where the Nehru dynasty has managed to infiltrate its loyalists such as Dileep Padgaonkar and Shekhar Gupta, who are essentially paid stooges of the Congress party.

17 Vinod Mehta - Outlook editor has been well known to take anti BJP stand

The Congress (in fact just the one single family — the Nehru dynasty) has been in power for 56 of the last 65 years of independence. This matters a LOT. Personal relationships have been built, blackmail-worthy secrets have been spied, monumental wealth has been accumulated … all by the one single Nehru dynasty (and its family-business-cum-political-party aka Congress) that helps it maintain its tight irongrip over not just the entire Indian mainstream media, but also deep into our bureaucracy, our governmental institutions, and even our journalism and mass media colleges and grad schools.

We have probably not even scratched the surface of the network of family and personal relationships through which the Nehru dynasty has completely dominated and controlled the entire intellectual, historian and journalist landscape of India. And we haven’t even talked about the monumental wealth or the blackmailing secrets. All because the one single dynasty got to rule over India for 60 years uninterrupted. It matters a LOT.

The typical JNU Nehruvian communist left-libbers ideologues have really perpetrated some kind of stranglehold on India’s journalism, media and intellectual space.

Almost all opposition (or even centre-right ideologues) journalists have been slowly thrown out of their jobs due to pressure from the Congress and the Nehru family.

Even the great venerable Ramnath Goenka, frustrated and broken by repeated I-T raids and ED investigations ultimately had to fire Arun Shourie twice from the Indian Express, which was once the best Indian newspaper in the 1970s and 80s. That was the team — Goenka the owner, Shourie the editor, and S. Gurumurthy the fearless journalist, that brought political heavyweights like Indira Gandhi down on her knees and even took on corporate honchos like Dhirubhai Ambani. (Ramnath Goenka inspired the Mithun Chakraborty character and S. Gurumurthy inspired the R. Madhavan character in the Ambani biopic “Guru”.)

But very few centre-right ideologues are left in India’s media space today, that too in minor publications like The Pioneer. Almost all the mainstream media houses have been thoroughly infiltrated and coerced into towing the Congress’ line, sometimes just through ideology and relationships, and not even money power.

The Congress party essentially owns and controls every single mainstream media house in India, including Hindustan Times, The Times of India, NDTV, CNN-IBN, The Hindu, Tehelka, Outlook, etc" 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

BJP national leaders tacit deal with congress

Food security bill the catastrophe which is going to hit india hard, This bill was drafted by the NAC(National Advisory council) comprising of sonia gandhi's buddies. Most of the members in the NAC are pro-communists like Aruna Roy, Deep Joshi, Farah Naqvi, Harsh Mander  and we have seen the utter failure and the havoc which got created in the countries which adopted soviet model.
This will make india another cuba,Argentina, Bolivia! 

This food security bill is a conspiracy to dismantle the confident and independent entrepreneur face of  india into a state controlled timid nation. This will be biggest disaster to the contingency management and also deprive the states from exercising their executive power. In this scheme the central government will have supreme control in the distribution of food grains over state and may also make people comatose and dependent on state. BJP state CMs like Narendra Modi(Gujarat), Raman singh(chattisgarh) and shivraj chouhan(Madhya Pradesh) have vociferously opposed this bill tooth and nail in BJP's  national plenary session at New Delhi.  Modi has articulated the danger of FSB ( ) also Raman singh told that if we implement this scheme then no farmer will go to their fields since they will be getting food grains for free from central government and this will dismantle the agriculture production, distribution and growth rate of country. Raman singh also said that entire chain will be destructed.Also there is no mention about the illegal  immigrants who could get benefited by  this scheme.

This bill encourage the left activists to create hurdles and litigation in courts for the state governments and also against the spirit  federal structure of india. The hostile central governments will establish their hegemony and micro manage the executive tasks of state governments. we have already seen the controversies in NCTC,CBI and other agencies where centre tried to  witch hunt the state governments of opposite parties! Besides this will also empty or i shall use rob the treasure from the exchequer  of the nation. No one from the ruling party has the voice to question the consequences of the pet projects of their queen sonia.

The shocking part of the story is about the rudderless , rootless and ideologically bankrupt  BJP leaders in the Delhi. This vindicates the statement of Former Telecommunication minister Arun Shourie that National BJP and congress are one and only state BJP leaders are sincere! Shourie also said that the opposition exhibited by BJP leaders in  delhi is mere tokenism and they wine and dine with each other in cocktail parties!I am completely baffled by the statement of BJP Rajya sabha MP  ravi shankar prasad who said that BJP will allow FSB to pass provided if Law Minister Ashwani Kumar and Rail minister Pavan Kumar Bansal resigns! Now how absurd is this statement from a learned man. If you support or oppose FSB you need to substantiate your argument in house and it is no way linked to resignation of ministers involved in corruption. Apart from second rung leaders like Yashwanth sinha, Tarun Vijay and all state CMs and their spokespersons i see none of  big BJP leaders in delhi who are determine to take on congress  head on. Looks like most of them are fighting for their self goals and least interested in the FSB,coal gate etc. The behavior of BJP central leaders is detrimental to  the morale of cadre and the people who thinks that BJP is only alternative to congress like me. Hope atleast the root less BJP leaders in delhi hear to their own mass leaders,CMs from states who keep  winning seats for them.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Rahul Gandhi Lackluster speech at CII

Heard Rahul Gandhi out speaking to CII. First the good news. He is right in saying that India is a very complex country, there are no simple solutions. He is also right - at least so far - when he says that power has not devolved to the grassroots, with the result that MPs and MLAs have to think about things that ought to be thought of by the Pradhans. And he is right when he says the country lacks physical infrastructure, that we have to think exponentially rather than incrementally, and for it gives credit to the Green Revolution, the Telecom revolution, but understandably stops short of doing so to the Highway revolution launched by Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
Now the bad news. Lots of it.
Whoever wrote that speech for him did an awfully shoddy job, and it sounder shoddier when Rahul was reading from it at times without maintaining eye contact with the audience. It is full of ill-fitting metaphors, platitudes and some management jargon, and (this reminded me of the Communists) contains enunciation of a lot of problems, BUT NOT A SINGLE SOLUTION. He repeated his fascination with the Aam Aadmi which was manifest in his Kalavati speech in the Lok Sabha, this time talking about some poor workmen travelling from gorakhpur to Mumbai. He appreciated their optimism amidst squalor  He did not offer any solutions for their hopelessness.

The central theme of his speech appeared to be that India's strength will flow from its huge numbers, who are each working in their own way. His beehive analogy, with which he rubbished the elephant analogy, summed this up very adequately. He even said obviously trying to take (but failing) to take a dig a Modi, when he said "give one person the power to do something and he will fail: give it to the 1.2 billion people and it will be done immediately", or words to that effect.
All this is arguable, though at times sometimes dangerously vague and hazy. The question is, WHERE IS HIS ROLE IN ALL THIS? And if he honestly means what he repeatedly said, that Rahul Gandhi is irrelevant (sometimes bracketing poor Montek Singh Ahluwalia with him,)then it is possible he is speaking God's truth, but does he hold that the quality of LEADERSHIP IS ALSO IRRELEVANT? That the country does not need leadership or policy, or to use his analogy, it does not need a Queen Bee?
Apparently he does.
And for having vented so many of his ideas frankly and truthfully, he might be forgiven for the gaffe of calling Rani Laxmibai as 'Rani ki Jhansi'. It was at the very end of his speech, the poor fellow must have been tired and nervous. He was trying to run down Modi, by comparing him to the 'guy who comes charging on horseback'. It must have hurt him to think that no way he can be that guy, and that might have made him even more nervous. It happens to all of us.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Building their careers by throwing stones on Modi

Media is one of the pillar of democracy which shall help in shaping the opinions of people based on facts with rationale and cogent views, Media is like the eye and ears for digesting the bitter truth. Media space should not be a restrictive and should accommodate  left right and all other types of opinions. Unfortunately  media,historians in india  have been Hijacked by Leftists and the Nehru family patronages. Today india is going through one of the toughest transitional phases. India has been ruled by Nehru family for nearly 6 decades barring Lal Bahadur shastri,Morarji Desai, PV Narasimha Rao , AB Vajpayee and few other PMs like VP singh,chandrashekar,IK Gujraj and Deve gowda, Even now we have a PM  who is dettached from ground realities and micro managed by  Nehru family sans accountability  and bunch of invisible leftists called National advisory council  NAC.

Media people were  often given grants and luteyan  plots in Delhi by the government in power  and subsequently bought into good books of Nehru family from decades.This  media has become so powerful that they are now influencing the decision making of government in domestic,defense,finance and  foreign policies. They have been taken care  by the Nehru family and their  touts from years and here comes the danger to them because all this may  end soon if  a man from outside delhi and who is not a member of delhi cocktail parties and who is more a rugged indian  with more of patriotic bhartiyata rather than a sophisticated convent school  alumni man  awed by western culture  is looking promising and creating fear  of foundational change  and fear of rising india, Yes I am talking about a CM(common man) from Gujarat Mr Narendrabhai Damodardas Modi.The opinions,benefits,security, Job safety of few compromised journos are endangered if he becomes a PM of india, India much to it's benefit will be de-linked from this compromised cocktail journos.

None in the independent india were witch hunted, harassed by congress, media and fraudulent NGOs than they did to  Modi but still he is winning for india, Modi has become CM of Gujarat for 3rd time. Imagine a fate of a working CM who doesn't know when a hostile central government can dagger him with all it's investigative agencies like CBI,IT,ED, Diabolic NGOs etc and the SIT appointed by the supreme court to investigate the only riot which happened in 2001 when he was new as a CM. But the good news is despite of all these things  Modi has ensured that Gujarat has 24 hrs uninterrupted 3-phase electricity, highest industrial and agricultural growth rates. Took the Narmada waters to not just sabarmati river but also to the parched lands of kutch which has a history of being a arid desert. Many judicial cases on the riots were resolved, many were convicted and justice was delivered. Does this happened in sikh riots during Rajiv Gandhi's regime of 1984? Did any media analyze or juxtapose different riots in other regimes with Godhra riots  and the  justice delivered  retrospectively? The answer is NO.

There ere many stooges or fifth column members of congress in the camouflage of  journalists. For example Barkha Dutt of NDTV, Vir sanghvi of "Hindustan Times" who were brazenly eloquent in Nira Radia tapes during 2G scam for their lobbying on few ministers for telecommunications portfolio  and Sekhar Gupta an editor of Indian express  whose family got contracts for sporting events during CWG games in 2010,This guy went to an extent to demoralizing indian army by writing a fictitious coup story at the behest of congress government. An Edior of "The Hindu" Siddharth Vardarajan who is not even holding  indian citizenship  and has good relations with  paksitanis and also a foot soldier of communist ideology.

These people have left no stone unturned to malign,vicious vilification on   modi with in india and also internationally.  They will try their level best to get the math or stats  against modi to belittle his achievements but they will not do the same on the leaders of the other parties, after all a media should be a non partisan. Imagine  if pakistani or Bangladeshi tomorrow becomes a editor of prestigious media house like siddarth vardarajan of "The Hindu",what about the conflicts of interests in that case?

Many leftists, Historians and Journalists have made their careers by throwing stones on modi, He has been the subject of bread and butter for these scribes and they benefited a lot  but unlike other leaders  Modi never lost his cool. when all roads are blocked astute Modi took the help of social media like facebook and twitter to advertise his achievements when blocked by main stream media. After the speeches of Modi in SRCC college Delhi and National executive council of BJP  the nightmares of these scribes on Modi becoming PM  were exacerbated. Modi's speech at wharton university in Pennsylvania,US on good governance(March 23rd-2013) has been stopped undemocratically by pseudo agitations of congress,Leftists,media stooges at least the leftist liberals should know the meaning of  "freedom of speech". Now a media friendly Javed Akthar and shabana Azmi are speaking about governance in wharton university. I would like Modi to win not just for india but also to cleanse the media if he becomes PM of india . I want to end with a quote of Mark Twain -"“If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed."”