Tuesday, May 7, 2013

BJP national leaders tacit deal with congress

Food security bill the catastrophe which is going to hit india hard, This bill was drafted by the NAC(National Advisory council) comprising of sonia gandhi's buddies. Most of the members in the NAC are pro-communists like Aruna Roy, Deep Joshi, Farah Naqvi, Harsh Mander  and we have seen the utter failure and the havoc which got created in the countries which adopted soviet model.
This will make india another cuba,Argentina, Bolivia! 

This food security bill is a conspiracy to dismantle the confident and independent entrepreneur face of  india into a state controlled timid nation. This will be biggest disaster to the contingency management and also deprive the states from exercising their executive power. In this scheme the central government will have supreme control in the distribution of food grains over state and may also make people comatose and dependent on state. BJP state CMs like Narendra Modi(Gujarat), Raman singh(chattisgarh) and shivraj chouhan(Madhya Pradesh) have vociferously opposed this bill tooth and nail in BJP's  national plenary session at New Delhi.  Modi has articulated the danger of FSB ( http://www.indianexpress.com/news/modi-govt-says-food-bill-against-federal-structure/881324/2 ) also Raman singh told that if we implement this scheme then no farmer will go to their fields since they will be getting food grains for free from central government and this will dismantle the agriculture production, distribution and growth rate of country. Raman singh also said that entire chain will be destructed.Also there is no mention about the illegal  immigrants who could get benefited by  this scheme.

This bill encourage the left activists to create hurdles and litigation in courts for the state governments and also against the spirit  federal structure of india. The hostile central governments will establish their hegemony and micro manage the executive tasks of state governments. we have already seen the controversies in NCTC,CBI and other agencies where centre tried to  witch hunt the state governments of opposite parties! Besides this will also empty or i shall use rob the treasure from the exchequer  of the nation. No one from the ruling party has the voice to question the consequences of the pet projects of their queen sonia.

The shocking part of the story is about the rudderless , rootless and ideologically bankrupt  BJP leaders in the Delhi. This vindicates the statement of Former Telecommunication minister Arun Shourie that National BJP and congress are one and only state BJP leaders are sincere! Shourie also said that the opposition exhibited by BJP leaders in  delhi is mere tokenism and they wine and dine with each other in cocktail parties!I am completely baffled by the statement of BJP Rajya sabha MP  ravi shankar prasad who said that BJP will allow FSB to pass provided if Law Minister Ashwani Kumar and Rail minister Pavan Kumar Bansal resigns! Now how absurd is this statement from a learned man. If you support or oppose FSB you need to substantiate your argument in house and it is no way linked to resignation of ministers involved in corruption. Apart from second rung leaders like Yashwanth sinha, Tarun Vijay and all state CMs and their spokespersons i see none of  big BJP leaders in delhi who are determine to take on congress  head on. Looks like most of them are fighting for their self goals and least interested in the FSB,coal gate etc. The behavior of BJP central leaders is detrimental to  the morale of cadre and the people who thinks that BJP is only alternative to congress like me. Hope atleast the root less BJP leaders in delhi hear to their own mass leaders,CMs from states who keep  winning seats for them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Awesome analysis. Keep up these blogs coming through. They are real good and enlightening. :) Waiting to see more from you..

Abbai :)